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Student Spotlight

Fort Lewis Commit RB Luke Padilla

FootballTrey GonsalezComment

Capital High School football stand out, Luke Padilla, has worked hard to have as much success off the field as he's had on the field. As he heads into a world of uncertainty that is his senior season of high school he has worked harder than ever. He recently committed to play football at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO and has his eyes set on an engineering degree when it's all said and done. 

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Caveman Football's Nate & Jevin

FootballTrey GonsalezComment

Senior running backs, Nate Najar & Jevin Valdez, have worked hard to prepare for their final season. After starting the season 1-1, they hope to have a strong season with a variety of offensive weapons. They tell us all about what they find most important in the weight room, where they plan to go after high school, some favorites, and much more. Be sure to tune in for this episode of Student Spotlight!

Cavemen Soccer's Austin & Jaron

SoccerTrey GonsalezComment

Austin Naylor and Jaron Lunsford, seniors at Carlsbad High, joined us in the studio to recap their season and tell us about their plans heading into their first year of college. As two captains of the soccer team, they felt that their team chemistry was great which gave them a chance to win each battle. We also get into some of their favorites, what they do in their free time, and the different personalities of their teammates!

Cavemen RB Tate Collins

FootballTrey GonsalezComment

Tate Collins has done a great job running the ball for the Carlsbad Cavemen. As they look to clinch a playoff spot in the final week of the season, Tate stopped in to discuss journey to becoming the leading carrier on his team. He also tells us about his future options, his hopes for baseball, and some of his favorite things to do outside of sports and school! Don't forget to tune in for this one.